Man I just got so new Nitro-tech and just got done with my high volume high intensity arm workout. here it is Louden
Preacher curls 20setsx300reps @405 stick form only
Cable curls 50intense sets x500 reps with the whole machine, man the pump was intense
Hammer curls 75sets no problem with Magmafuel by weider BTW 600reps each with 5minute negatives on each rep.
Thats right I have been doing this for the last few monthse in between other body parts to get a peak on top of the other 12 peaks I have
Close-grip bench 2 sets of 1200lbs fgor 800 reps
and pushdowns with 1000lsb for a masiize 2000 reps
thanks nitro-tech shit I'm growing all the time now since i Don't need to sleep on weider supps, hey I'm actually getting bigger as I am typing, yeah weider