Elite Mentor
your training now for April 2010?? unless your really out of shape (& judging from your pics, your not), that is too long for contest prep. I would rec 12 wks max. YOu get burned out on the diet/training intensity that far out.
Why dont you shoot for August or Sept? I would also recommend a figure coach. Figure dieting is very specific & you should use a professional. Ive been competing for about 4 yrs & still use a figure coach (for posing, dieting & other contest prep work). Its alot of fun, but a ton of work & sacrifice...thats why i really think 11 months out will burn you out. good luck
heres some very basic on-line info to get started-
Figure Competition Prep Guide
Figure Competition Prep Guide
Figure Competition Prep Guide
Dan's a good guy & you can call him if you have questions.
Welcome! It would be great to have another contest prep journal in here.
+1 on getting a coach.