Hi everyone! Thanks for all your great support. I did the Jr. California on 6.3.6, placed 2nd out of 4 in unlimited women, and was the only one in collegiate-not the way i want to win a 1st, but it's still nice and i still worked for it!!! had an amazing time, it was just surreal. I felt such personal satisfaction because i did my 60 sec routine in collegiate first, and wasn't totally happy w/it, but ended up getting to do it a second time for the unlimited and really nailed it, by the night show i was able to correct a couple more things so i improved each time. it felt so good. i was exhausted and the dehydration was the worst part of the process by far---even compared to the food, which for me is saying A LOT!!! if i ever play a role where i'm dying of thirst in a desert, i'm all set! anyway, i just read the post-competition article, very helpful, the emotions haven't really hit me yet, i've been bingeing some but not the same way i used to even a couple months ago, i know i'm getting better slooooooooooowwwly it seems sometimes, but i AM recovering and that's all that matters. the strength and confidence i've found from this are immeasurable. i've learned so much i really am writing a book, or i should say it's been writing itself. thank you again, i'll stay in touch, trapqueen