I have run Oral-Turinabol by ITSELF for a duration of 7 weeks at 40-60mgs and gained almost 15lbs, with a mild but appreciable strength increase, and INSANE vascularity--even moreso than var--which I have also run solo. I am currently STACKING the TWO.....
TBOL increases LIBIDO and APPETITIE, whereas VAR DECREASES BOTH. Ergo, TBOL dose is Maintained higher than the VAR dose throughout the cycle to counteract these sides.
I am currently running a LOW dose TBOL/VAR STACK: I will NOT be increasing calories until week 4, as this is not a SUPER BULK. I am currrently 200lbs, 9% BF, and I want to be at 200-205, 5%BF. Looking to get into semi-contest shape, although i will not be competeing.
Week1: VAR 20mgs/TBOL 30mgs ***Extremely LOW dose to ASSESS contraindications***
Week2: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 40mgs *VAR Never EXCEEDS 30mgs, due to it's negative affect on LIBIDO.
Week3: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 50mgs
Week4: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 60mgs
Week5: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 60mgs
Week6: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 50mgs
Week7: VAR 30mgs
Week8: VAR 30mgs
The purpose of VAR in this cycle is strictly for Strength, hardness, and vascularity. Any contribution that VAR makes to my LBM gains will be accepted, but not expected. TBOL is the BASE of the stack. It increases Libido, Appetite, mood, and FREE test levels. (kind of like taking an oral form of test that doesn't aromatize or alpha-5 reduce!) It is also teh ANABOLIC component--it is the muscle builder. However, I also expect it to produce remarkable synergy with the VAR, producing a VERY dense, lean, shredded look.
I ONLY USE Tribestan Tribulus Terrestris extract (or TRIBEX) and A POTENT Eurycoma Longfolia(Tongkat ALi) Extract for PCT and I have reovered SWIFTLY BOTH times. These are both NON-Aromatizing steroids, one reason why HPTA function can be mostly maintained even during cycle.
PS, just starting posting here--though I am an active member on many other boards. Figured I would take the free Platinum membership week trial....
TBOL increases LIBIDO and APPETITIE, whereas VAR DECREASES BOTH. Ergo, TBOL dose is Maintained higher than the VAR dose throughout the cycle to counteract these sides.
I am currently running a LOW dose TBOL/VAR STACK: I will NOT be increasing calories until week 4, as this is not a SUPER BULK. I am currrently 200lbs, 9% BF, and I want to be at 200-205, 5%BF. Looking to get into semi-contest shape, although i will not be competeing.
Week1: VAR 20mgs/TBOL 30mgs ***Extremely LOW dose to ASSESS contraindications***
Week2: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 40mgs *VAR Never EXCEEDS 30mgs, due to it's negative affect on LIBIDO.
Week3: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 50mgs
Week4: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 60mgs
Week5: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 60mgs
Week6: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 50mgs
Week7: VAR 30mgs
Week8: VAR 30mgs
The purpose of VAR in this cycle is strictly for Strength, hardness, and vascularity. Any contribution that VAR makes to my LBM gains will be accepted, but not expected. TBOL is the BASE of the stack. It increases Libido, Appetite, mood, and FREE test levels. (kind of like taking an oral form of test that doesn't aromatize or alpha-5 reduce!) It is also teh ANABOLIC component--it is the muscle builder. However, I also expect it to produce remarkable synergy with the VAR, producing a VERY dense, lean, shredded look.
I ONLY USE Tribestan Tribulus Terrestris extract (or TRIBEX) and A POTENT Eurycoma Longfolia(Tongkat ALi) Extract for PCT and I have reovered SWIFTLY BOTH times. These are both NON-Aromatizing steroids, one reason why HPTA function can be mostly maintained even during cycle.
PS, just starting posting here--though I am an active member on many other boards. Figured I would take the free Platinum membership week trial....