Stryker1992 said:
The girl I am seeing is 44, I am 32. I do not think about the age difference most of the time...but I begin to think when I am 40 she will be 54 and when I am 50 she will be 64. That starts to freak me out. I am very fit and very mobile, can she keep up????????
I worry about her dying and that I will be lonely. Not sure, this is the first for me and it is awesome but very confusing as well.
I must is the best sex I have had in my fucking life!!!!
10 years older is easy to deal with, even 15, loads of relationships have a major age difference. When you ask, they will come out of the woodwork. I know, as I have had to deal with this, and I was really surprised.
I have been with my current BF for nearly a year now, he is A LOT younger than I, and it has been more of an issue for me than for him.
We are really compatible in loads of ways, and like Stryker, the sex is just amazing, our sex drives match up really well

Just because someone is young doesn't mean that they will be HOT, nor does it mean that they will stay HOT.
You find an sexy, attractive, fit woman who is in her 30s, 40s, 50s, and she still looks GOOD, you can bet she is going to look good most of her life.
It is easy to look good at 18-25, but that may not last.
Anyway, when looking for a life partner, are looks really the most important thing?