I say to each his own. I know what I like and I'm sure everyone else does too. As long as they don't bother me then there is not a problem....if they do, I'll give'm the world's fastest sex change !
RippedBoy wrote:"guys who are 100% straight could give a rats ass whether someone is gay or not..... if you are straight, you are straight, who cares if your buddy wants to have sex with a dude.... you are secure enough with your own sexuality so its not an issue for you."
You said it perfectly. Straight guys who are comfortable with themselves have no problem with gay guys. Straight guys who are conflicted or unsure or lack confidence try to sound macho by bashing gays.
Arnold never had a problem with gay guys. He said he understands them turning to look at a goodlooking bodybuilder just like HE turns to look at a babe with big tits. Whatsa big deal?
Jesse Ventura (another VERY confident heterosexual) has no problem with gays either. "They're great," he says. "Leaves more girls for me."
Guys that get all freaked out and disgusted by someone being gay are guys that need to look into their own heads and see why it makes them so nervous.
If you don't like brussels sprouts, why should it bother you that someone else does?
ripped deffinitly makes a great point
I am not gay, and damn do i love the pussy
truthfully, if guys aren't trying to come on to me
let them fuck what they want to fuck