Titan Training is a great system. Like I've said before, its a little bit ridiculous for a 15 year old with a few months of training under his belt to be hurling wise ass remarks when quite simply, they haven't had the training experience to be able to accurately judge ANY training protocol. Cackerot's & Robboe's "knowledge" is certainly not empirical. It comes from reading Cyberpump and other HIT sites which are based on skewed training protocols by arthur jones. I'm not judging them as people but now maybe more people can see why I got so irritated with a few on this board. Current views on training science all but completely invalidate the views held by Jones etc. If you want to be on the cutting edge of strength training research Dr. Mel Siff runs a great mailing list and Zatsiorsky has some great, though complicated books out.
But... what do I know.. I'm just an idiot. ^_~