massbuild said:
does ne1 else feel tired and weary when dieting.
is this unusual or is it not? i am not taking any supplements so it isn't a side of anything so why am i so tired most of the time?
thnx in advance
In combination with your job/training and cardio it sounds like your just suffering from low carbs and being overtrained. What's your age/height/weight? Why are you dieting? I'm guessing it's not for a show just for personal fitness. I'll advise based on that premise.
It sounds like you've done the math to reduce bodyweight, but based on your sample meals you are not providing yourself with protection from catabolism from calorie restriction. You could probably stop doing cardio and let your job and training burn your calories. You'd probably want to adjust your training to doing each bodypart once a week with heavy training and little rest between sets. Or you could bring your calories up and keep going like you are. I've been in your exact position and it can be very rough, those are just some tips. There's plenty of info on this site on training and nutritution so I'll just tell you how to help your energy, based on my experience, until you become your own bodybuilding scholar:
1-The 'ECA' corvettedudeman is referring to is a stack of 25mg ephedrine/300mg aspirin/200mg caffiene. If you have access to ephedrine. Otherwise look for supplements that cause thermogenesis. This will keep your energy up stimulating your central nervous system and has the benefit of burning fat while sparing muscle. (Careful, it gives you an intense buzz until you get used to it)
2-Don't eat when you feel hungry, eat every 3 hours (approx) This will keep you in positive nitrogen balance and constantly kick start your metabolism. You'll start getting hungry every three hours, trust me.
3-Eat your complex carbs in your first couple of meals. They will carry you through work, then any carbs you have left can be pre/post training.
4-Sleep. Whenever you're bored, sleep. After you eat, sleep. On your day off, sleep. Don't go out, sleep. With the training work and school you need to guard your sleep jealously. You'll still burn fat and you'll quicken your recovery.
5-Try a ketogenic diet. Except for the initial adaption by the body burning ketones, there are no energy issues.
Good luck.....