New member
"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles to be sure; but, scattered along lifes pathway, the good they do is inconceivable."
MOOD: Great!
SORENESS: Left hammy has some pain...
DIET: 100 %
***REALLY dragged during this workout, not sure if its the working lots more, or the lack of sleep but thinking next week I will be doing a deload week just to prevent getting burnt out***
WORKOUT: quads & hams
Front squats
Wide stance leg press
Stiff leg deadlifts
Split squats
Lying leg curls
Leg extensions
Seated leg curls
hey shannon, how are you doing girl? i like to pop in and read your daily posts... i use some of them in my homework assignments. hee hee!!

i gotta question. i noticed you said you were dragging. i experience that too. you stated you were going to "deload".... what is that? because i go through the same physical exhaustion but i thought it was my body not absorbing nutrients adequately. can you give me the 411?
thanx honey, clarice