Debu said:I will have to find another doc. I mentioned it to her almost two years ago, she wantet to send me to a therapist. Mentioned it to her again and she wants to send me to a therapist. What happened to the days of prescribing a pill to fix things.
Thanks guys.
When you talk to another doc BE SURE to say that your libido is very poor, and that you are not depressed. No doc will test you if they think your libido is okay.
Tell him/her that you have no sex drive and it is affecting your current relationship. Unfortunately one sometimes needs to know how to "play the game" in order to get what you want from many GP's.
What an ass...a therapist! Your T level should always be checked before resorting to a therapist! NOTE: some people ahve a perfectly normal T level and still have a low sex drive. I think this has to do with the way they view sex...some people just don't allow their minds to think about it and that might stem from parental upbrining. A lot about libido is mental I am afraid. Other issue that strongly affect libido is stress and fatigue from stress and doing too much in ones life.
That said...some people with normal T jsut have a lower libido with no cause.
Even though my wife is on test gel she still has a much lower libdio than me, although it has improved since she started the gel.