Re: 84 Days...T Contest Log
I'm a little discouraged this morning. It is the 4 week mark so I did my weigh in and measurements and I thought there'd be more changes. My weight hasn't changed and I'm down about 1.5 inches in the waist and 1 inch on my quads but that's it. I feel like things are slowly changing and I've had a couple comments so maybe my body is recomping more then just losing weight. I have wondered if the higher fat content in the diet is really working for me or against me. I've only done one similar diet, which was more of a straight keto. I had the initial water weight drop but didn't see the success that others see with it. I will be emailing my coaches, Zed and Rick, and see what they think. The calorie count was set at 2250 and I've been averaging 2000. It is supposed to drop next week for 2 weeks but keeping the macros the same.
I'm, by far, the oldest in the contest and from what I can tell, the only one, thus far, who is not juicing. I bought a few things from Gentleman's Club but outside of T3, I haven't started anything. I'm not against aas as I've done a couple small cycles in the past. I suppose I'm having a hard time getting my head around building more muscle when I'm so heavy to start with. In the past, when I've tried cutting and bulking simultaneously, the bulk always wins and it becomes where I sit now.
It probably just comes down to being patient! Which is not always one of my virtues. I need to come back to why I wanted to do this in the first place, which was a "fun" way to drop some fat and get back on the wagon, so to speak, in terms of consistency, in diet and training. Win or lose, I wanted to better myself and gain that confidence and motivation that I had lost last year. I just feel really discouraged this morning and needed to vent! It's a cross roads for me. If I quit now, which believe me, I felt like saying "f#$# it" this morning....I know I'll be miserable! So...I already know that is not an option. I have to do the mental regroup, shed a frustration tear in the shower this morning and move on.
Thanks for reading my rant of the morning!! In the bigger picture, if this is the worst of my problems, it's really not that bad. It's just that few moments of WTF when things don't "measure up" the way I'd hoped.