Oh yeaaahhhh... damn ADD!
Lets see, I have a couple of minutes so I'll give you the drunken photos story.
We were on a trip (of sorts), so we had a hotel room to stay in. We're in the room and theyre drinking (I rarely drink, so when I do it doesnt take much), theyre bugging me to drink and "join in the fun".
So they produce a bottle of my drink, Alize Red Passion (the only other thing is Guiness Draught, but Ive recently aquirred a taste for Don Pablos Marguritas...). Im not even half way through the bottle and Im already pretty well messed up.
When I drink I get... umm... lets say... "easily influenced".
So were talking and sort of messing around (which is another instance where I am "easily influenced". So theyre getting stupid and start messing with me, pulling at my clothes and climbing on me. Theyre trying to strip me and Im having a hard time stopping them. I tell them I have to go to the bathroom and they let me go (number one, not number two...).
So Im standing there in front of the toilet going, and WHAM! They kick the door open and rush me! So here I am trying not to pee on the floor (or myself) as Im ambushed.
I manage to stop going and theyre both gropping me (I should have peed on 'em... would have served them right!) and laughing at the fun theyre having. I manage to push them out of the bathroom and brace my foot against the door so I can finish (they were both laying into the door trying to dislodge my foot).
I get out of the bathroom and try to make it to the bed when I am unceremoniously tackled and forced to the floor. One grabbed my legs, the other jumped on my back and down I went. Im pretty intoxicated at this point and unable to defend myself!
Before I know what is happening (I'll refer to them as "V" and "M" for convienience sake), M has my pants undone and V is pulling them off.
So there I lay, naked from the waist down scrambling for something to cover myself with.
I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. This led to them saying I was wearing a kilt and made them start in on me by calling me a big leprechaun. They kept asking me "Is it magically delicious?" and things like that.
I cant help but laugh, so Im at even more of a disadvantage because I cant keep my head about me (from laughing and drinking.)
Then the battle for the towel began!
V takes out a camera and M dives for the towel. As it whips off of me V snaps a picture. Then they would take turns trying to tackle and untowel me while the other took pictures.
I couldnt do much, because when I would try to defend myself they would say "Oww, your hurting me!" and Id get scared and stop, and they would snap the towel off of me and take a picture.
They managed to get picture of me trying to hide behind a table, falling off the bed ass up in the air, a picture where I thought I was slick and hiding behind the table, but my ass is exposed because I was standing in front of a mirror.
So eventually it seemed they were getting bored with terrorizing me and settled down. We were laying on the bed together and relaxing, M starts kissing me and such, and takes my shirt off and gets her shirt and pants off. V gets up and refills her drink.
M takes off her bra and stands up to slip out of her panties... it was then I realized the tragic error I had made.
V had not come back to the bed after refilling her drink, but I didnt notice. So when M got up (allegedly to take her panties off), she walked over to the dresser and grabbed the damn camera again and started taking pictures of me laying there naked!
All I could do was swear and roll off the bed.
It resulted in some rather undignified shots of me curled up naked on the floor trying to cover myself with a pillow
So that finally ended and we got down to business. They must have been in a picture taking mood, because they took turns with the camera then. While I was "doing it" with one, the other was taking pictures, I was only semi-aware of this at this point. Eventually I took a couple of them... but I digress.
So some time passes and I forget the events of that night, Im sent to the store to pick up the pictures we took at the zoo and had took in for 1 hour processing (or so I thought).
(well, you know where tis is heading, but I'll continue anyway

I walk in and the fat woman behind the counter is looking at me all crazy. I go up and say the name and she walks away in a huff and returns with 3 envelopes of photos. She says "Theyre not all there. There were 'problems' with some."
Being basically oblivious I say "Ok" and pay and leave, she doesnt say have a nice day or anything.
I get out to the car and look at the front of the first envelope. It say "Due to content, some photographs were not developed."
I open it up and see that its the pictures from that night! They developed all the ones of my ass and me naked and such, but a review of the negatives shows that they basically would not develop the negatives into photos of any picture that had penetration (be it orally or vaginally) or the two of them where oral "business" is evident, or (and this is probobly just the prudishness of the fat photo developer lady) any picture of them making out (theyre naked but nothing is in anywhere?).
Needless to say they got a good laugh out of that and I do not go to that store anymore...