Well, I think I need to add something into this before I tell anymore stories....
I go on about the sex and the fun and all, but dont let that fool you. This is a real honest to god relationship. We consider ourselves 100% married and commited to one another.
There is more sex going on than the average household, but that is due to the additional person and my gear use

But there are plenty of boring stories I could tell, like them going to get their nails done whiel Im at the gym, sitting on the couch watching TV, stuff like that.
Its a lot of work, but it balances itself out with the happiness it brings.
Not to mention that wife #2 is sick. She has lupus, interstital systitis (I never spell that right) and cancer (in its 3rd remission). I could tell stories of carrying her to the bathroom in the middle of the night vommiting from the chemotherapy. Or when she would lay on the floor doubled over in pain and I would lay there with her and cry, feeling utterly helpless to do anything but hold her.
Those stories arent funny though, but theyre the experiances that make us all grow together and build a bond between us that is stronger than what we could get if we were able to "legally" marry each other.
So really, I just dont want anyone to think this is a casual relationship or just a sex thing, its for real. I live for them and I would die for them. Honestly.