New member
It was a bittersweet meet for me.
770, 854 (new pr), 903 (red lighted on depth)
611 (miss), 639(miss), 650 (miss)
I always try and look at the bright side of the meet. BOMBouts are where you learn things.
My new style of squat training has paid in dividends. I probably could have gotten that 903 passed some places, but it has been a matter of personal pride to me to hit it without the controversy surrounding some of my earlier pr squats. I am glad it was turned down. I just came up a little too early on the last one. I have felt the enemy, and it will fall soon!
I hope to spend some time and write up what i learned about squats this cycle, but it will take some time. I really feel that powerlifting is evolving to both a sport of strength and that of rational, technical equipment usage. It is again my favorite lift.
I am also really pleased with the militia bench conversion. I moved to a personal gym best of 655. However, I didn't squat first in the gym, and I didnt wash my shirt until the day before the meet.
Here is a little hint: denim shrinks a LOT. bring to the meet what you practice in the gym. Don't get greedy and think tighter is always better. AND if you cant make a weight touch in the warmup room, ditch the shirt or try harder. I am learning why so many people awesome benchers bomb on the big benches at meet time. However, I have been receiving a lot of tips from the militia guys and strive to keep learning! They are great. Videos are worth a thousand words. If you don't have 'em, get em!
Fortunately, I left the meet in good enough health and with even more of a fire up my ass to try it again in 3 weeks in Spokane, WA. 900 is going to fall by god. Now, I must relearn my bench shirt.
will keep all posted. thanks for all the personal emails!!!
On a more positive note, two of our small 'growordie' team posted big.
Our 198 went 530, 375, 501 in only his second meet.
Also, we have a part-time female trainee (closet bodybuilder) who decided to give powerlifting a whirl. With just a few practice sessions, she kicked some major ass
430, 235, 402 ---- single ply gear which was all too big anyway. I hope she has seen the light now and will convert to the dark side. Canvas and Denim baby......
The first female I ever 'trained' went to the hospital with kidney problems from my overzealous recommendation of protein. I swore off ever tryng to train a female again for a long time. Now I feel somewhat redeemed and ready to actually assist members of the opposite sex. They tend to be much more rational on the platform and don't throw chairs through walls when they miss attempts.
Back to the grindstone. Gonna punish that 900 and turn my bench back to reality!
770, 854 (new pr), 903 (red lighted on depth)
611 (miss), 639(miss), 650 (miss)
I always try and look at the bright side of the meet. BOMBouts are where you learn things.
My new style of squat training has paid in dividends. I probably could have gotten that 903 passed some places, but it has been a matter of personal pride to me to hit it without the controversy surrounding some of my earlier pr squats. I am glad it was turned down. I just came up a little too early on the last one. I have felt the enemy, and it will fall soon!
I hope to spend some time and write up what i learned about squats this cycle, but it will take some time. I really feel that powerlifting is evolving to both a sport of strength and that of rational, technical equipment usage. It is again my favorite lift.
I am also really pleased with the militia bench conversion. I moved to a personal gym best of 655. However, I didn't squat first in the gym, and I didnt wash my shirt until the day before the meet.
Here is a little hint: denim shrinks a LOT. bring to the meet what you practice in the gym. Don't get greedy and think tighter is always better. AND if you cant make a weight touch in the warmup room, ditch the shirt or try harder. I am learning why so many people awesome benchers bomb on the big benches at meet time. However, I have been receiving a lot of tips from the militia guys and strive to keep learning! They are great. Videos are worth a thousand words. If you don't have 'em, get em!
Fortunately, I left the meet in good enough health and with even more of a fire up my ass to try it again in 3 weeks in Spokane, WA. 900 is going to fall by god. Now, I must relearn my bench shirt.
will keep all posted. thanks for all the personal emails!!!
On a more positive note, two of our small 'growordie' team posted big.
Our 198 went 530, 375, 501 in only his second meet.
Also, we have a part-time female trainee (closet bodybuilder) who decided to give powerlifting a whirl. With just a few practice sessions, she kicked some major ass
430, 235, 402 ---- single ply gear which was all too big anyway. I hope she has seen the light now and will convert to the dark side. Canvas and Denim baby......
The first female I ever 'trained' went to the hospital with kidney problems from my overzealous recommendation of protein. I swore off ever tryng to train a female again for a long time. Now I feel somewhat redeemed and ready to actually assist members of the opposite sex. They tend to be much more rational on the platform and don't throw chairs through walls when they miss attempts.
Back to the grindstone. Gonna punish that 900 and turn my bench back to reality!