neither did mine, most parents give allowances for no good reason or for chores, my parents said those chores were our responsibility and our way of cooperating with the family, when we did want to by something they'd usually buy it for us depending on whether or not we "cooperate" lol
The problem with rewarding kids with money is that entitlement, they want more, they feel like it's theirs and they deserve it every time they do certain things, my cognitive behaviorism techer in college told us that his father always sued the same reinforcement throughout their childhood and teens, which was pizza, you get a good report card? it's pizza day, you graduate and let's go for pizza, never the same pizza, they went to dif places (and no he wasnt a fatty) says he remembers working hard to "earn" that pizza
when you use a same reinforcement method that cant increase (as opposed to money and gifts) then kids dont feel that entitlement... and of course there's positive reinforcement through other non-material things that are good as well... money works for some, just not for most....