BNG said:
So when she decided she didn't want to share you anymore, did she ask your opinion? What if you had told her you really do love her but wanted to continue having the openness and enjoying the freedoms allowed previously?
Not saying that it would have changed anything. You enjoyed the experience but were willing to put that aside for a monogamous relationship with her. It worked out well.
I had a friend years back that had a Bi wife that eventually dumped him for the GF, wanted a divorce, and took their daughter from him. Some are just not able to deal with the situation. It takes very good communication to stay married without the added complications.
This is what I tried to explain to my Old Grump as EVERY SINGLE ONE of the women eventually ended up cheating on him with MEN. So I looked at him like, "What... it was OK if she was fucking random pussy all day and all night (and so was he by default but he never picked the women up, she did and brought whomever home) but the second she fucked random cock.... it was over?!"
I had dabbled in many different sorts of sexual situtations enough to know that once the *thrill of the taboo nature of the trist* was satisfied (if it was at all) I lost interest. Actually it was boring for me even though every single sexual experience was all about getting me off (I get major crazy when I get off). I am very physically sensitive so anymore than ONE partner or ONE act going on at a time is sensory overload to me. Sorta like too much ice cream.
My Old Grump, though ten days older than dirt

has a near-insatiable appetite. There are often times when I can not accomodate him because I am too sick or too depressed...
So yes, I worry that he may stray....
For me I am not jealous at all. He is very charming and charismatic and women flock to him. I find it flattering. Why would any woman want a man that no other woman wants? BUT - IT WOULD KILL ME TO KNOW that another woman got to have him the way that I do...
Two things I refuse to share with any of my sisters =
my shoes.
my man.
That is just how I roll.
But I also don't pass judgment on those who do engage in this type of relationship. As long as they are all consenting adults, live and let live I say.