"I have a video of Ahola pulling 794 for a double...and getting the 3rd up to his knees...freaking amazing. His nose started bleeding on the first rep...and down onto his chest."
I have that too.Another thing amazing about it is that he pauses on the floor for each rep.It does look pretty freaky
I read Ahola has unoffically pulled 425kg. Which is like 935. Officially he has done 402.5. But he always won max deadlift events beating guys who deadlift 400. The most impressive part is that he does it with bassically straight legs.
Only two people have ever pulled that much in a meet and they were Bolton and Franks, and his official would only be 887. Not putting him down that is freaky strong.
thats the vid. I believe he can deadlift that much. He had one of the strongest backs ever. Him and Ano hold the dual deadlift world record. A little over 700kg.