New member
My intention is not to put a negative spin on the board. But, I do want to say thank you to so many of you guys over the last few years that I've been on here. The board has meant a considerable amount to me as a trainer and as a person. Recently, after a final failure which was the straw on that proverbial camel's back, I can no longer handle being a failure. To me, it is unacceptable to be a failure. I cannot be a warrior in such a state. 10 years of failing is unacceptable. I failed in special-ops, I failed in fighting, I have failed in lifting, and I have now failed my wife by not providing for her as I should.
I've always held myself to extremely high standards, and lived by pride an honor. I now possess neither of those. I'm now going to lie down and face the honorable exception to failure.
Thank you to each of you. Many of you have been my friends. This I can never give enough thanks for. I hope that along the way, I may have given you at least a smile, a little help, or something positive to reciprocate.
Thank you my friends
I've always held myself to extremely high standards, and lived by pride an honor. I now possess neither of those. I'm now going to lie down and face the honorable exception to failure.
Thank you to each of you. Many of you have been my friends. This I can never give enough thanks for. I hope that along the way, I may have given you at least a smile, a little help, or something positive to reciprocate.
Thank you my friends
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