Hi Zay,
thanx for you comments, buy anyhow - I know what to do. Because I'm a dibetic, and been so for 16 years, I have very good knowledge about what to eat and what to not eat. It's just that there is not enough time sometimes, and not enough motivation.
I know there is not point, what so ever, to use any gear if you don't eat lots of protein and a mixed diet with the right fat types and drink lots of water...
When I'm about to begin a cycle, as I am now, I always do lots and lots of reaserch and talk to my friend - a wellknown swedish fitnessguys - for advise. Also, I try to get as many diffrent points from lots of different sources, to make myself a own opinion before I decide what to do. Also, I do a bit of bulking before I start, and then go for a proper diet during my exercise.
I do walking 4 days a week at morning for about 1 hour (mon, wed, thur, sat) to burn some fat, and I also doin some step-mashine after my gym passes. I use effedrin (100 mg) and coffein before my walking.
Go to the gym 4 days a week, I belive that is enough.
And I never drink a single drink or any kind of alcohol during my cycle, I'm very accurately in all kind of ways during my gear periods.
So don't blame me for doin to little reaserch or beeing not serious, I might be that sometimes during my off season training, but never during a cycle. I always gain a lot and I will post some photos on the "member pictures" when I begin and when I end this cure.
I might have been kind of unclear and ambiguous in my previous messages, but wait until I show you how my cycle is goin, I bet you'll keep you mouth shut then