12/22 day 44
Today's lifts:
15min warm up on bike
After I got off the bike my left hip and knee was buggin a little.
It usually takes these two set to get my hips and knees warmed up and stretched out enough to get my squat down past parallel.
On a side note when I broke my leg I also damaged the lateralis quad muscle and tore up the IT Band. So during my recovery my medialis muscle has gotten built up a lot more than the lateralis and causes an inbalance in my patella which in return causes pain in my knee. With that said here's is how I finished my squats because of a little pain.
195x5x1 The heavier the weight the more discomfort so I dropped the weight down to finish.
With all that said I don't know what to do. Should I deload and work my way back to up? If so how much weight should I drop? Or should I give a try at 195 again next workout? I think that is a miss and I should deload, but what do you guys think? I was hoping that the lateralis muscle would start to catch up with the medialis by starting with no weights and with strict form, but it seems that the medialis is getting bigger. I am confused don't really know what to do to correct the problem.
Bro believe me that I really can and do sympathize with you on knee issues.
Ok try this.
Do you bike just like you have been but then right after you bike immediatly do 3 or 4 sets of body weight squats. I do 3x10-12. This makes a huge diff for me with my issuse in my knees.
Then I do a nice slow warm up under the bar.
3 to 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps at 85.
3 to 5 sets of 3 reps at 135.
3 sets of 3 reps at 185
3 singles at 205.
Then my work sets.
You will prolly never be squating the big numbers and thats fine. Your doing the squats and thats whats important bro.
The squats along with Dead Lifts along with Rack Pull will get you there in time.
Just keep your chin up and keep pusing.
Hopefully in time as you get more balanced you will improve.
Good luck bro.
Anyway everything else went great!
95x5x1 warm ups
120x5x5 work
120x5x5 work