gluten intolerance is usually linked to celiac's disease. also do a generla search online for support groups because they usually have some diet plans that you can follow which will help and they aren't all that terrible meals. the test is simple and it only takes a few days to get the results back. lactose intolerance isn't usually associated with gluten but you'd be surprised how many things are going to upset your stomach if you have celiac's. there are lists and lists of foods, especially fast foods, that you will want to avoid. the diets tend to lead to weight loss simply because you are cutting down on carbs and so many "rich" foods have some kind of gluten in them, like sweets, fast foods, breads, etc. good luck. you may want to find a local dietician and see if she/he has any direction for finding info. almost every hospital has at least one dietician and they are a freat source of info.