that soreness doesn't = great for you
although, alot of people welcome that feeling of
"I was worked real good" . It just means your legs aren't conditioned to handle a lot of work yet
Morning cardio would have been a great idea to speed up the recovery of your legs... LIGHT cardio, i mean a SLOW walk for 20 or 30 minutes.... get the blood moving and lactic acid out.
keep using the towel until you build up some trapezious meat (the diamond shaped muscle that is most of your visible your upper back).
bench, yeah definetly get back in there to use a regular bench. And keep your elbows in (your elbows will rub into your body/lats on the way down)... if you start benching like that it'll save your shoulders from alot of pain and possibly injury later on.
Row sounds good... that's a good and hefty row

I sense alot of pulling potential!
i'll find you links to proper form vids so you can review them... form = utmost importance
P.S. Great job getting in the Gym!!! That's a huge step!