So, thinking about another tweak in the cycle...this would probably be the cherry on top for this baby!
The cycle:
1-16 test C 500mg EW (split 250mg Mon-Thurs)
1-4 test Prop 100mg EOD (kickstart cycle strong)
1-16 EQ 600mg EW (split 300mg Mon-Thurs)
1-18 Proviron 75mg ED (split dose every 8 hours)
1-6 Tbol 60mg ED (split dose 20mg every 8 hours)...may bump to 80mg last 2 weeks
13-18 Anavar 60mg ED (first 4 weeks) then 80mg ED (last 2 weeks)
1-6 HCGenerate (5 caps ED, 3 morning/2 evening)
7-10 HCG 500 IU EW (250 IU 2x, Mon-Thurs)
11-15 HCGenerate (5 caps ED, 3 morning/2 evening)
16-18 HCG 500 IU EOD (10 injections = 5000 IU)
1-18 Aromasin 12.5mg 2xED (25mg ED)
How does that look for my final answer?
Man I can't take it anymore!!! I want Monday to come so goes in for total hip replacement surgery tomorrow morning, so get her through this, take care of her and then showtime!!!!
I picked up this giant supplement organizer box that has 4 compartments per day for a week...once a week fill up and good to go! Fits right in the bottom of my lunchbox. Get a few last minute things done this week and first
pins Monday!!!
5 days!!!