I have a few questions for all you experienced Westsiders. I need some help putting together my bench periodization. I have been working a lot of heavy bench the last few weeks. My main triceps exercises have been cg bench, weighted dips, and skullcrushers. My cg is right behind my bench as far as weight is concerned, and my bench has been sticking at the bottom. I have a couple obvious things to work on: my chest is weak, my lats are weak, and my speed is lacking.
1) What do you think would be a good way to periodize ME bench lifts since I have been working off the flat bench? Floor presses I would think are #1 for being weak off my chest, but is it better to work up in height or down? i.e. Week 1: Floor Press, Week2: 2-3 board, Week 3: 5 board...or the other way around...5 board ->2-3 board -> floor presses?
2) When do you do heavy triceps movements? like up to 1RM or 3RM rack lockouts...ME or DE day? Would doing it DE day interfere with next ME Bench? Would doing it ME day take away from your strength doing them after the ME movement? Could I do lockouts and another tri movement in the same session? Or would it even be possible to make 6" rack lockouts a ME lift?
My max Bench is 305, but today I moved my hands out a little more(ring finger on rings, my strongest bench is pinky inside the rings) and felt weaker than last week.
My bands on their way, but today for ME Bench, I did:
Flat Bench - 135*5, 185*5, 225*3, 275*1, 295*1, 315*0,0, 225*6
Lat PD to Chest - 200*10,10,10
Weighted Dips - 90*7,7,6
Lat Raise - 25*10,10,10
I kept the rest periods between my accessory work to 60-90 seconds...60 on lat pd and lat raise
Any input would be appreciated...I have a lot to learn so please tear it apart.
1) What do you think would be a good way to periodize ME bench lifts since I have been working off the flat bench? Floor presses I would think are #1 for being weak off my chest, but is it better to work up in height or down? i.e. Week 1: Floor Press, Week2: 2-3 board, Week 3: 5 board...or the other way around...5 board ->2-3 board -> floor presses?
2) When do you do heavy triceps movements? like up to 1RM or 3RM rack lockouts...ME or DE day? Would doing it DE day interfere with next ME Bench? Would doing it ME day take away from your strength doing them after the ME movement? Could I do lockouts and another tri movement in the same session? Or would it even be possible to make 6" rack lockouts a ME lift?
My max Bench is 305, but today I moved my hands out a little more(ring finger on rings, my strongest bench is pinky inside the rings) and felt weaker than last week.
My bands on their way, but today for ME Bench, I did:
Flat Bench - 135*5, 185*5, 225*3, 275*1, 295*1, 315*0,0, 225*6
Lat PD to Chest - 200*10,10,10
Weighted Dips - 90*7,7,6
Lat Raise - 25*10,10,10
I kept the rest periods between my accessory work to 60-90 seconds...60 on lat pd and lat raise
Any input would be appreciated...I have a lot to learn so please tear it apart.