Wow! I would find it embarrassing to post the nonsense I have read in this thread..
Anywho, I am testing a hybrid version of the 5x5 now. My delts and lats are incredibly well developed compared to my chest, which has lagged. I really cleaned up my form on chest and that has helped. I have switched to an every other day workout schedule. I split shoulders& tris/legs/ Back& Bi's. I do a 5x5 chest workout on each of these workout days. I have come off cycle (3 weeks) and gotten stronger and much fuller in my chest. It seems to be great for both strength and size. I will post results in a couple months
Anywho, I am testing a hybrid version of the 5x5 now. My delts and lats are incredibly well developed compared to my chest, which has lagged. I really cleaned up my form on chest and that has helped. I have switched to an every other day workout schedule. I split shoulders& tris/legs/ Back& Bi's. I do a 5x5 chest workout on each of these workout days. I have come off cycle (3 weeks) and gotten stronger and much fuller in my chest. It seems to be great for both strength and size. I will post results in a couple months