dude,for someone that's not posted for shit you should read more and educate yourself.hate to break the news but full body workouts will limit your stength and ability to do use as much weight while working out as you could on a split body part workout routine.why do I say that?because when you workout your whole upper body(chest,shoulders,back,traps,biceps,forearms and triceps) on the same day your triceps will be prefatigued not to mention most if not all of your other muscles you use.you won't be able to do 1/2 of the fucking weight you normally would be able to do when on a split routine.I didn't say that you had to train just one bodypart and have 4 to 6 days to rest,thats something you pulled out of your ass,not something I've said.
you speak of farmers like they were built like Greek gods,implying that they are really muscular you have no fucking idea what you're talking about bro.that's precisely why farmers aren't big,because they do the same goddamned weight over and over never really increasing the load.do they have endurance?of course they do,but for that endurance a price is paid in muscular development.This isn't an endurance board........you must be lost bro.