I have read Mike Miller and other Metal Militia guys talk about not doing speed bench because it is not advantageous to be quick out of the bottom when you have a bench shirt on, because the shirt will shoot the bar back towards your head if you don’t control it. I never realized that until today. I was doing a shirted 2board with my shirt pretty low, I lowered the weight and the bar shot of the board real quick, and back to my face where I could not control it. Well, the bar landed on my face gashing it open above my eye. I had to go to the hospital to get it stitched up. Thankfully, KG18 caught the bar before it crushed my skull, so I thank him for pretty much saving my life. I also thank my other friends for being concerned, and taking me to the hospital. So I am probably going to go ahead and NOT do speed bench anymore and see how that goes. I am fine, and pretty friggin lucky. We have video and it is pretty nasty. I just thought I would share that with everybody.