Ok...this is my 2c worth. First of all. This fight is between FSUPAT and Shadow..and we are here for the drama....It is fun, it is cute....but all in all....its a board.
second......I dont know how much red karma fsupat got...but he must have gotten quite a bit for him to be so pissed off and make a thread for it. I have gotten PMs about people hitting other people with red karma for something they have said, done, or whatever. I didnt do it. Once it was for what some guy named Dr G or something had said about some injection or something..i dont remember....like i know anything about that....I dont. I dont like giving red karma for something I know nothing about. I would not ask any of my friends to give red karma for my battle. It would be between me and the person I am not getting along with. I dont go telling people that have no dogs in the race to give red karma. Ok...now......lets have fun and git along
I am fortunate enough to have a good job and I post when I can, when I want, from 7am to 5-6PM and then I go home, but thanks for asking about the family...they are well - and clean
I do love my kids and I have a great wife, and I give all the glory to God for all good things in my life. I do like looking in the mirror though, & popcorn...
Ok...this is my 2c worth. First of all. This fight is between FSUPAT and Shadow..and we are here for the drama....It is fun, it is cute....but all in all....its a board.
second......I dont know how much red karma fsupat got...but he must have gotten quite a bit for him to be so pissed off and make a thread for it. I have gotten PMs about people hitting other people with red karma for something they have said, done, or whatever. I didnt do it. Once it was for what some guy named Dr G or something had said about some injection or something..i dont remember....like i know anything about that....I dont. I dont like giving red karma for something I know nothing about. I would not ask any of my friends to give red karma for my battle. It would be between me and the person I am not getting along with. I dont go telling people that have no dogs in the race to give red karma. Ok...now......lets have fun and git along