Just got home...... Fuckin up Mike BIG TIME!! Im supposed to be dieting yet cheated all day today and went out drinking again. I can't believe im smoking cigarettes more and more each day as well. Thank God I don't buy any at least. The day I do I will kick my own ass. Whatever......... I'll pull myself together I always do. We're all down sometimes in our life. Question is will I get back up? Yeah... I know I will. Now it's a question of when?
Well not buzzed anymore at all and feeling ok. Took 1 gram of vitamin C hours ago. Just took a nice multi-vitamin/mineral supplement. Drinking lots of water as well. That should help with the recovery from the drinking.
Ahhhh and just did 150mg fina and took my dose of liquidex.(*Running out must get more.) Next shot of fina is on Mon. I decided to do it eod because in all honesty, ed is boring and eod is still good enough imo.
I can't wait to go to bed!!! Sleep will be great. Hmmmm I think I will have a shake of Isopure just for good measure. Even though it's whey and won't last long in the body it's still good for a pre-bedtime snack.
Gotta get lean!!!! Nothing is gonna hold me back. Ok that's it!! No more drinking and no more smoking! It's time to get serious im so upset with myself for letting myself go!
Gonna workout soon. This sucks my left elbow is bothering me. Note to self. *No more arm wrestling for fun because that was pretty fuckin pointless. That was on Friday and it's a little better than yesterday but still. We'll see how it affects my workout today. I'll just ice it up afterwards I guess and if it still is no good. Well then I guess I'll just have to pick up a few yellow tops and that will fix it up real quick as it always has in the past.
IM FUCKED!!! Elbow gave out while doing dumbell pullovers. Fuck this shit hurts worse than it ever has in my past elbow problems. Gotta get some deca. Shit better work I swear to GOD!! Always has in the past but this time hurts so much worse than ever.
Well this fuckin sucks big time. Worked out just now using light weight on everything and even cable crossovers hurt my elbows. Gotta get me some deca real soon. Hopefully I will by this week this shit is fuckin with my head big time!!
Gonna try and focus extra hard on training legs though and abs. Deadlifts will once again be used as my main back exercise. Light exercises as well for other muscle groups as much as I can take. Extra rest and some advils post workout on upper body should help. That and extra vitamin c intake plus as I said, the deca. Once I get it I will frontload with 600mg the first week and another 200mg the second week just for good measure while lowering my tren dose for 2 weeks to 75mg eod in case of possible progesterone-induced side effects. If problem still persists but I also notice improvements then I will continue with 200mg a week for the remaining time frame of the cycle as well as bumping up my tren dose to 150mg eod again.
Well I haven't been on the boards in a bit but im back now. Elbow still giving me problems but just shot up 2 1/2 cc's of ttokkyo deca all at once. Hope this works. It better. Still on the fina for a little over a week now and let me tell you im noticing the difference big time. Haven't even really been training at all and im getting more muscular and leaner. Tommorow im gonna go to the gym and do some deadlifts as well as work on my abs and calves. Hopefully my elbow will be healed soon. Getting leaner still btw. I could only imagine how things would be if I were training and eating 100% on point. Anyway I haven't smoked a cigarrete or had a drink since I said I would stop. Hehehe not even yesterday when I was out partying. No more of that for me gotta be on point.