Kakdiesel said:
no they think i'm song "ME ROVE YOU RONG TIME" slut that'll give it up to them..
i mean damn, i'm glad that my body looks good to people, but i dont wanna hear about it 24-7..
and they all know i have a girlfriend and i even told them, this shit is for her only..now gets to steppin
Hey Kak... on your other thread when you asked why I have a problem with you...... well although I really don't know you personally, I can not stand people like you.
You stand for everything I do not like in a person. You try to be liked by everyone, your ego is as big if not bigger than any person I know (and I know quite a few), you try to talk like you are hard and from the hood, you do everything possible to gain attention, you say you don't brag or won't tell who "your" modeling agency is (F**d) and yet you bring that shit up every chance you get. I already called you out on a bunch of threads a while back that you conveniently didn't answer.......
Here is a newflash for you.... You are not, I repeat NOT going that good. Even if you posted this as a joke it still proves you are an attention seeking pathetic little boy. Maybe you posted this to show your "love" for alphaxi or whatever her name is. BTW if you used to workk there why are you telling the head manager about it now....... make sure you get your past, present, and future verbs in order ok?
One last thing.... I don't give a shit if you respect me or not
Quote by Kakdiesel:
this topic and these types of threads are gettin real tired Kok-sucker.
I dont talk shit, and i sure as hell dont talk slang to that extreme.
So what if i have confidence in my abilities..i work extremely hard, just like many of you people on this board for my body. And so what if i modeled a small while a while ago..i dont talk about it anymore, nor will i ever..its over, i'm done, i'm in chiropractic school doing what i love.
Kok, i have nothing agianst you for who you are or anything, and yeah i DO have a sense of humor..i can laugh at myself and poke fun at myself, but this is gettin really old..
i dont think i've ever said anything on here to degrade people, nor have i ever been condenscending towards anybody on here..i respect more people on here than people might think..
besides, i think i'm a beautiful person--on the inside..not once have i ever slighted or done anybody wrong in my lifetime..and i try to be a good person...if possible, you could ask anybody who knows me..and there are plenty of people on here who i've helped on a personel level...if i can offer my help to anybody, i give it..
but fuck it, cant please everybody...
Quote by Kakdiesel:
may is almost 40 years old..39 to be exact i think he told me..and he weighs like a buck fifty...I think the only reason he uses test and dbol is so he can fuck his little boy toys...get some viagra may..its cheaper
Ever wonder which side of your mouth you talk the best out of. This was just a quick little 1 minute search. I will try to find the post that I posted to you with all kinds of threads in it.