I watched that supersize me movie tonight..That is crazy shit man...Im not a big fan of fast food in the first place but I dont know if I will ever eat it again..
It was a very interesting movie -- enlightening......I didn't really eat fast food anyway but now for sure I never will!! The food in schools really made me mad -- way to educate our kids on how to eat healthily....
It was a very interesting movie -- enlightening......I didn't really eat fast food anyway but now for sure I never will!! The food in schools really made me mad -- way to educate our kids on how to eat healthily....
Yeah I am originally from texas and will be moving back there soon...So I was glad to hear that they took all soda machines out of schools...Not too happy about houston being the #2 fattest city though..Just to make a point though is that the fast food is insanely unhealthy but the lack of excercise on majority of americans is just as big of a problem...People always say that they dont have time but that is a false security blanket that people tell themselves so they dont feel guilty about being huge...Its all about priorities and time management..I can guarantee that if 90% of americans took a log of how much tv and sitting around they do it would surprise most of them that majority of there day is comprised of sitting on there asses watching tv..."dont have time" I dont want to hear that shit...anyway, didnt really mean to get on a soap box there..sorry
I watched that supersize me movie tonight..That is crazy shit man...Im not a big fan of fast food in the first place but I dont know if I will ever eat it again..
I've seen the movie too. AND I worked at McD's as a teenager. If the food itself isn't enough to turn you off - the crap we did with it definitely would.
I'll eat fast food maybe once a month. It's really not all that bad for you if you don't eat it often and workout regularly. The old Frisco burger from Hardees was my favorite. I haven't had that in a while though.
I'll eat fast food maybe once a month. It's really not all that bad for you if you don't eat it often and workout regularly. The old Frisco burger from Hardees was my favorite. I haven't had that in a while though.
This film should be shown at school in 'health classes'. Anyone watching this film would immediately be sickened. If that guy ate another high cholesterol meal within 2 years he would be putting his life in danger..that god he stopped!