I'm not a MD, but I can tell you my own experience I had with my shoulder. Motion tests are good
when looking for a cuff tear, but not with LABRUMS. I passed all the motion tests and all my xrays came back negative.However,my delt kept throbbing,and was sore all the time, so I made them give me a MRI, sure enough I had a tear in my labrum, you keep complaining about your rear delt hurting that's a leading indicator that there is something wrong with your labrum. My advice to you is tell your ortho to give you a mri for your own peace of mind,and prevent further damage. I'm not trying to discourage you, but delts are touchy,so you have to be real careful. You can train with a torn labrum. However, all you will do is cause more wear and tear on it. I went 3 yrs with a torn labrum, but now it's so bad I have to get surgery Oct 8th, if i don't Doc said eventually I'll need a new joint. Just trying to look out...