bro I was under the impression in the previous comps you did you placed quite high?
and your upper body is already strong with 315 for reps on the CGBP and well I dont remember your curl numbers but I do remember you saying your upper body is very strong
and you told me you had retarded strong grip too
so by the sounds of it whatever you've been doing has been working so why not carry on doing it and just getting better at it? Or have you hit a plateau and thats why you made this thread?
and your upper body is already strong with 315 for reps on the CGBP and well I dont remember your curl numbers but I do remember you saying your upper body is very strong
and you told me you had retarded strong grip too
so by the sounds of it whatever you've been doing has been working so why not carry on doing it and just getting better at it? Or have you hit a plateau and thats why you made this thread?