Looking at the pics, you have a lot better chance to shape those up than skinny bros. That's about how mine look if I don't work out for awhile, but at least yours look thicker to begin with, which is a great head start. On the gyno question; I can't tell by looking, but you can check for yourself to see if it's likely that you have gyno and body fat, or just body fat. If you pinch different parts of the pec area, see if it feels the same texture all over, if it feels more springy or spongy in the area about a 3" circle around the nipple. Maybe I'd describe it as a small doughnut-shaped glob of rubbery material. Fat is hard, and not springy when you pinch it. If that's the case, you might do well to think about gyno removal surgery when the time comes. It's a quick, outpatient simple procedure, and if you get down to a super-low body fat level first, they can just pull it out in 1 piece (the whole gyno gland), through a small hole that won't even leave a scar. Again, you might not have any anyhow. Just said that in case you want to check.