hey all got a problem i was on test prop for about 14weeks at 300mg a week, gains were great all was good i had my pct until i went to the gyms locker room and i left my gym bag inside my locker as i usually do but i forgot to lock it...they stole everything all my gear all my clomid,nolva and hcg! ive been on proviron for the past id say 2 and a half weeks just so i can stay abolic and not crash but i figure my test should be real low even though i feel great.. real good as a matter of fact but finnally i was able to order my nolva,clomid and hcg they arrived here yesterday ... i really wana use the hcg but im not sopposed to use it during pct only during last 2 weeks of cycle or throughout the entire cycle. i really wanna use it since ive heard when you recover your natural test levels are alot higher if you used hcg then if you went with the normal nolva/clomid combo, i reordered some test prop and winny will be here on thursday my question is can i jump back on prop? add some winny just for say 3weeks to get nice and ripped and be able to use HCG since i will be "ON" cycle... then continue my clomid/nolva for 6 weeks? i feel so stupid and pist off at myself i hope i dont suffer from permanent... you know whAT I DONT EVEN WANNA THINK LIKE THAT!!! PLZ HELP ME