i know alot of it is going around mainly because we have to emphasize on how imporartant low bf% is with ABS. i have several pics up lifter, where i visible have a 6 pac. Now this is actually w/o working them. Maybe i would hit them once a week. Now that i KNOW my ABS are from my diet, now its time to make them bigger with some work.
I actually have a big friend who works his abs daily, hard too, he swears to me bf% doesnt matter, lets say his abs area looks bigger and bigger like GH GUT (well not quite as big)
Im just trying to emphasize on how important diet really is. I know after i got my 6 pac from dieting, i did start focusing on them more like 1-2 more a week.
I had the whole V cut and everything, still got the vcuts, but my abs are covered up from bulking alittle. But you can still tell i have abs on my Cutting season lol
But there are several people who honestly believe that ABS are made in the kitchen and im one of those people. BUT i am not going to criticise anyone in the gym doing theier abs because it is proof more muscle = burns more fat, so hey who really knows the answer in bodybuilding..
As a note, there seems to be some nonsense going around that you do not need to work abs, they are there, simply diet and they will show. Well, you have biceps too in your upper arm.
Don't you have work them in some form to make them grow
your def right without a doubt
If you just want to have abs, then diet + cardio would be sufficient
Now if you want to make your abs bigger then of course you would have to work on them.
I guess question really is, "to see my abs do i need to work them"
and the answer to that is ABS are made in the kitchen
but if the question was
i want to make my abs bigger
THEN of course we have to hit them HARD! In fact treat them like any other muscle! Kill THAT SHIT!