Thanks. My opinion...OPINION...this line "not cause they don't want too, maybe cause they simply were never in an environment where they COULD express themselves without backlash." is a great excuse to ride out the victim crutch in life. I could get really personal and tell you I had a shitty childhood...not only was I not in an environment to express myself, I was beat when I did. I never had (in my mind) an accurate representation of what "loving communication" was. So, I would toss someone using that line in "weakminded" category.ctrl_freak said:Wow, HH, great post. Seems like you have your shite together.
You mentioned you don't work well with weakminded individuals, perhaps not everyone is like you. Some people believe it or not have a hard time expressing themselves, not cause they don't want too, maybe cause they simply were never in an environment where they COULD express themselves without backlash. (ie, your thoughts are not right, you only see the negatives, etc..) Thoughts?
Who we are today may very well be a replica of what our past was...but if our past was so horrible, why in the world would we want to mimick that behavior or time period?? Seems ludacris to me. We have control over today to create the past we see tomorrow. Wouldn't we focus on being the opposite and making something better of the present? Molested, raped, beaten, cheated on, a drug/alcoholic, no family, lack of affection, etc....all things are horrible acts to happen to anyone...but should they define who we are as a person? And even if you didn't experience anything as traumatic as those....perhaps there's something in your own life. I didn't have life handed to me on a silver clue as a kid what love/affection was....but I know today what my perception is and how I want to give and it be reciprocated. I can make myself or break myself based on my past. The things I could not control have made me stronger & the wrongdoings I've done I've been attentive to, corrected them, and changed who I am so that everyone who knows me, knows they will never resurface. I like to think this is what creates maturity and responsibility in life. Being accountable for my actions at all times. Understanding who I am and what my needs are so I'm able to understand those around me. (just my $.02)