MrsPuddlesFL said:
Excellent! You must be really happy with how they came out. I liked the third picture best. I'm SO JEALOUS!!!
Did you get overs? What size are you at now? I'm asking because I'm planning on getting mine done in Feb. and I still don't know what I want, but looking your pictures, I'm thinking something like what you have!
Enjoy your new buddies. You look great!
Hey Babe - Nice avatar!!!
So yes, mine were overs!!! They are Mentor High Profile Saliene implants 300cc overfilled to 400cc making me a 36D from a 36B (barely). Also, I had the procedure done transambilically (TUBA), meaning through the belly button so there is no scaring!!! All I have is a tiny weeny dot at my belly button which is fading and you can't notice it - but i put maderma on it anyway b/c i'm real particular with the way my appearance is - kinda annoying, but i love vanity
I used a doctor who is exceptionally well known in NYC/Brooklyn - let me know if you need a doctor and i'll give you a referral for him. Also, just so you know with the TUBA style, the surgery took from the time i got into the operating room, 30 minutes total in time and 45 min recovery.
I was up hugging the doctor have naked, asking everyone for kisses and was high as a kite
Good medicine!! But also, as far as recovery time, I was shopping in 5 days for bras and in the gym on my 7th day post op. I was wearing a bra the day after surgery and it took almost 2 months for both breasts to drop and fluff - but everyone is different. It was truly an easy surgery
THANK you everyone for the compliments - I was feeling down earlier and that really made me feel great!!!!