I have a couple of questions about DE SQ/DL day. I didn't want to post them on the sample workouts thread, because that seems more like a "reference" thread.
I did DE SQ/DL day on Friday. I didn't get a chance to make inquiries here beforehand about rep ranges, so I tried to piece together what info I could find from here, other sites, and the link Project posted. This is what I did. Critiques are welcome!
box squats (improvised and used a low chair that was in the gym)
2 warm up sets with a light (non-Olympic) bar
10 x 2 45# (Olympic bar only)
speed deads
2 warm up sets w/ 30#
6 x 2 50#
ab machine crunches 4 x 10
side bends 1 x 8 12#, 3 x 8 20#
hyperextensions 4 x 8
step ups 2 x 10 w/ 30# bb (I did these because my gym has no glute-ham raise machine. I stopped 2 sets early because I got dizzy!)
I'm going to try the cable-type (pull throughs, standing crunches) core work next time.
In retrospect, I feel I could have gone heavier on the sq & dl. But since I don't know my max for those lifts yet, I had to make a guess.
Here are my questions:
Accessory work for the DE and ME SQ/DL days list abs, low back, obliques, hips and glutes/hams/calves. But in the workouts posted so far, you don't seem to do five different moves for accessory work. Is it a matter of combining moves (a move that targets hips as well as glutes/hams/calves) or just skipping certain body parts sometimes (to be targeted on another day)?
Spatts, when you said that you warmed up for DE squat with the bar and then added weight and then dropped the warm up set back to 3 reps - I didn't quite understand that. What did you build the weight up to for the second warm up set(s)?