
kids these days *sigh*
Look, trust me if you won't look at the pics (wimp, FFactor, uh huh), you really should not be able to tell by looking, at a quick glance, that someone is a postop (if you can tell, they didn't have the best surgery).
I know someone who dated/slept with a postop, visually, no difference, but the vagina was different, it didn't have the same muscle tone that a natural woman's does. The words he used to describe it were "Like a pita pocket."
The urethra of the penis is replumbed so they can pee like a woman. The penile nerve is shortend and forms the clit. The testicles are removed, extra scrotal tissue is used to form labia. The penis skin is inverted and used to make the vagina. No, hair does not grow out of the vagina, the hair is removed prior to surgery.
I can't make it any clearer
Now stop being chickenshit and click on this link:
You won't see anything yucky if you don't scroll down, but you will see what postop genitalia look like. Looks pretty much like a pussy to me.