I was on a boat party with a greek girl i met a couple of days earlier. she was standing on front of me facing forward and i started licking the back of her neck and tease her ears... suddendly i felt she was biting hard on my hand and she started moaning... i said what the f... and after 2-3 minutes she goes to me that was great!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dated one chick who i could only get off by oral or fingering her. even when i was on cycle and test boosters to the max and i could go forever it never happened with this chick. maybe i fucking suck for all i know but i could get her off with my fingers and oral or combo even quicker so i just do that for everyone. and couple times a year i get a 3 pump night and im done so its good to cover your bases early i think. and when you have a really good night maybe you can get her a couple orgasms that way