A good tricep routine should be made up by the following exercises:
- a pushing exercise
- an overhead exercise
- a skull crusher exercise
- a finishing movement
Ok, mix and match your routine:
- weighted dip OR
- close grip bench press OR
- JM press
- board press
2. OVERHEAD (let's really focus on that long head)
- heavy dumbell overhead extension incline bench (lord suston) OR
- EZ barbell overhead extension on incline bench
FORGET about the 1 arm dumbell overhead extension, the weight is too light compared to the other overhead exercises and it needs a lot of control
3. SKULL CRUSHER (on a decline bench!)
- barbell skull crusher
- barbell skull crusher supersetted with close grip presses using the same weight
- 1 arm dumbell skull crusher (the amount of weight you can use is much bigger than the 1 arm overhead extension and it has better focus on the working muscle than the barbell)
- pushdown (v-grip, straight bar or reverse grip, overhead or Y-rope) OR
- kickback (cable or dumbell) OR
- slow dips between benches
- pushups
Can't go really wrong if you do them 4 exercises for 3 sets, give yourself time to get stronger in certain exercises so do not randomly change the routine every workout (hailed by some as the joe weifer Muscle confusion principle muhahaha) but rather stick to the routine for 3 workouts than change the exercise in category 4 than another 2 workouts and change category 3 another 1 workout and change category 2, and finally change category 1 , this will mean:
4 changed 4th workout, used = 3
3 changed 8th workout, used = 7
2 changed 11th workout, used = 10
1 changed 12th workout, used = 11
as you can see the exercise in category 1 and 2 change far less frequent than category 4 , but 1 and 2 are your bread and butter exercises that you really need to learn and get stronger while 4 are various finishing exercises to kill any musclecells that you didn't kill with 1 and 2