No- don't drink protein supplements after lifting if you're going to do cardio after. Won't do much good and will probably slow you down for cardio. The protein drink is meant to flood your worked muscles during your resting after the lifting workout-if you go running, the protein will most likely be wasted. Instead, drink water or a sportsdrink like gatorade to provide the carbs you need to do the cardio well.Then drink the protein drink after the entire workout session.
Protein and l-glutamine together in same drink seems to give lgutamine short end of stick. I do the separately, but thats me.
Cardio on non-lifting days wont affect your recovery-you're 17 for gods sake,you should recover in 5 minutes, or at least in a day-but you need to make sure you get good session of sleep in. That is really the only time your body makes big recovery.Less sleep you get-the less your recovery and muscle growth.
The big BB's tend to sleep all night and take naps between workouts durnig the day.
Abs-I just do 10 minutes after every workout-that gives me at least 60 minutes a week.You might do more.