this is about what i have everyday...
Meal 1 7egg whites, 2 packs oatmeal, grapes and spoon of penut butter
Meal 2 Grilled chiken 2 pieces w/ broccoli, lot of brown rice and packet of oatmeal
Snacked on greek yogert non flavored
Meal 3 Whole wheat pasta a lot of it with almost 2 packets of oatmeal
Meal 4 3 peices grilled chicken more brown rice (or whole wheat pasta)
Had a long class right after that and 2 hours in i had a greek yogert w/ muscle milk.
meal 5- 2 peices grilled chiken w/ lil brown rice.
Meal 6- grilled chiken on whole wheat sub w/ mozz and bbq sauce w/ 4 peices of chekn fingers
Meal 7 one piece of grilled chicken and medium amount of brown rice
Right befroe bed pro-boiolic 12 hour release protein w/ flax oil, eggwhites, waixy miaze.
On workout days i would add a hydrobuilder shake w/ waixy maize nd 12.5g creatine which would substitute for one of my small chiken and rice meals..
During workout i drink modernbccaa or x-tend
i take one animal pak ed
I take 2 triple omgegas ed
I have two bags of N2Bulk coming in the mail which i will use when i get.
like i said this all might vary but this is preety accurate minus the chiken fingers, which idt where even that bad seeing how size is my goal. however, i dont wanna get fat..
Meal 1 7egg whites, 2 packs oatmeal, grapes and spoon of penut butter
Meal 2 Grilled chiken 2 pieces w/ broccoli, lot of brown rice and packet of oatmeal
Snacked on greek yogert non flavored
Meal 3 Whole wheat pasta a lot of it with almost 2 packets of oatmeal
Meal 4 3 peices grilled chicken more brown rice (or whole wheat pasta)
Had a long class right after that and 2 hours in i had a greek yogert w/ muscle milk.
meal 5- 2 peices grilled chiken w/ lil brown rice.
Meal 6- grilled chiken on whole wheat sub w/ mozz and bbq sauce w/ 4 peices of chekn fingers
Meal 7 one piece of grilled chicken and medium amount of brown rice
Right befroe bed pro-boiolic 12 hour release protein w/ flax oil, eggwhites, waixy miaze.
On workout days i would add a hydrobuilder shake w/ waixy maize nd 12.5g creatine which would substitute for one of my small chiken and rice meals..
During workout i drink modernbccaa or x-tend
i take one animal pak ed
I take 2 triple omgegas ed
I have two bags of N2Bulk coming in the mail which i will use when i get.
like i said this all might vary but this is preety accurate minus the chiken fingers, which idt where even that bad seeing how size is my goal. however, i dont wanna get fat..