louden_swain said:
How long has he been training and he working all the time or is he in school as well.
startes when he was 14, broke the IL State Viking record when he was 16 for bench press, 145 class benching 315. he would have took over all, but someone beat him in squat and deadlift. no college, just full time contruction for about 2 years, works 8-10 hours, then after the gym he goes to sleep, he has no life, haha.
hes goin after the 495 bench, he could care less about bringin his squat and deadlift up, he walks 30-60 flights of stairs a day and breaks concrete all day... im suprised he is still making gains. in no way is his lower body weak, he still hits 405 on squat and deads, i think he just has no motivation to get his lower body stronger.. he complains his back hurts everyday from work.. so, basically, he is workin on his upper body.