Step 1. Learn to carry out a conversation. IE Don't get cross-eyed and start studdering or talking too fast because you aren't "smooth."
Step 2. Maintain Confidence and never show you don't have an idea what the hell you are talking about. IE Be a Good Story Teller
Step 3. Make them laugh, use a cutsey joke, don't bring out your Perverted and/or Racist jokes from your arsenal just yet. IE Lady is putting two muffins into an oven, one oven is screaming "OH GOD I'M BURNING ALIVE!" The other muffin turns and yells "OH GOD A TALKING MUFFIN!" Haha, I love that one.
Step 4. Make it look like you care about your apperance and smell good.
Just like getting a 6 pack of abs, it is so simple. Stop eating and diet and you'll get abs. Everyone thinks there is some big master trick to get abs/chicks and really there isn't. I don't have any dating experience except with my wife, but I've just watched everyone and realized I did several things with my wife. Once you realize a woman is also human and just wants to talk like you do, you'll be better off. Also, treat them like a friend, it will be easier to adjust to talking to them.