I would be happy to post a pic. The problem is you post a pic like that and alot of people are going to have fun. You have a base. You have a LOT of work to do if your wanting to compete. also I would cut your face out if you post pics. What was the point of posting this anyways?
To show the physique for constructive criticism. About a year ago, before we had all these picture boards all the guys used to post their pics here on the anabolic board. After all, this is a BB forum, and if the guy wants his pic posted for us to comment on it he is welcome. Why do you guys have to make him feel like shit? I agree some of you posted good constructive criticism but some just sounded retarded.
genarr3 said:
Maybe you flamers should post a pic of your scary huge physique.
Elite Hot Topic is a cool guy. However, I hope you are natural, and if you are you have a ways to go before you're ready for a cycle. Good luck and stay with it.