The picture didn't come out. Maybe is only on my end..??
BTW, it appears your metabolism is overworked and instead of making progress, is not moving. You might need a rest before it gets out of hand.
Looking forward to seeing your picture..
^^ What she said +1.
Tatyana and Thandie are seasoned veterans when it comes to contest prep. I used to compete a bit but that was back in the day.
I will tell you what my trainer said when I first met her. (I interviewed several before I hired her.) She asked me, "So you are doing an hour of cardio two times a day, several times per week and you are ten weeks out? What you gonna do when you are 2 weeks out - 6 hours of cardio 3 times a day EVERY day?!"
Bottom line is that the human body adjusts very quickly. Contest prep is a very tricky thing. Everybody's body reacts differently to different foods and different activity levels. However, EVERYBODY'S body will eventually adjust to certain activity levels and you will have to keep doing more and more just to maintain your bf. Ever see fat aerobics instructors? They have to do more and more cardio, then begin to eat less tearing down their mass LOWERING their metabolism, vicious downward spiral.
6 weeks is still A LOT of time. And if you don't make it on time for this contest, surely there will be another a few weeks further out.
TAKE A REST... Your metabolism may just thank you.
May I ask who recommended the winstrol?
How old are you and how long have you been lifting in general?
We all learned the hard way, through our mistakes. IMHO if you are PAYING a trainer than you should see better result than what you have posted here.
We are all looking forward to seeing your pics.