You write as if everyone on the planet can just "decide" to lose weight, and -- presto-chango!!! Pamela Anderson, here we come!!
I have "decided" to lose weight about eight times in my life. Even "succeeded" once or twice. Guess what? The weight came back, and then some. For some people, it just isn't as easy as it apparently is for you. And the more we obsess about what we LOOK like, the harder it is.
There are some things I'm just not willing to go through for an attitude like yours. Three hours in the gym every day, just so some shallow person can LOOK at me and decide that I'm OK to spend time with?? I've gone through lots of stuff in my life and am a 100% better partner now, AND I'm also heavier.
People make the mistake of thinking that just because a body measures this, this, and this, and looks thus-and-such a way, that tells you all you need to know about someone. And that's exactly what it is, it's a mistake.
I don't care what you look like. I've developed enough respect for myself to throw someone with an attitude like yours back, sight-UNseen.