Today i went to the gym for my bicep/tricep day, which is my normal wednesday routine (this is my 4th week lifting). During certain exercises, such as barbell curls and preacher curls (using an EZ bar), i noticed a sharp stinging pain on the outside of my forearms (the side the pinky is on), and it really stung when i let go of the bar at the end of a set. It wasn't near as bad when i left the gym, but i still noticed it slightly as the day and night wore on, considering i'm a busser at a restaurnant and i have to lift bus tubs full of dishes on a normal basis. Have any of you ever had this pain before, or heard of someone who has? I'm new to lifting, so i'm not sure if this is common and i should just ignore it, or if there is something that i can do about it. Any opinions would be helpful.